This Privacy Policy establishes the terms in which RML Logística Integral, S,A, de C.V. (dba AMIKOO) uses and protects the information that is provided by its users when using its website. This company is committed to the security of its users’ data. When we ask you to fill in the fields of personal information with which you can be identified, we do so by ensuring that it will only be used in accordance with the terms of this document. However, this Privacy Policy may change over time or be updated, so we recommend you review this page regularly to ensure that you agree to such changes.
Information that is collected
Our website may collect personal information, for example, name, contact information such as your email address, and demographic information. Likewise, when necessary, specific information may be required to process an order or make a delivery, or issue invoices.
Use of Information Collected
Our website uses the information in order to provide the best possible service, particularly to keep a record of users and orders, if applicable, and to improve our products and services. Emails may be sent periodically through our site with special offers, new products and other advertising information that we consider relevant to you or that may provide you with some benefit. These emails will be sent to the address you provide and may be cancelled at any time.
We are focused on fulfilling the commitment to keep your information safe. We use the most advanced systems and constantly update them to ensure that there is no unauthorized access.
This site contains general information about Specialized Logistics in International Trade and Customs. The information contained in this site does not constitute legal advice or professional relationship with third parties or visitors to this site. email sent by this site is considered and is secure; however, the confidentiality of such communications cannot be guaranteed. images contained herein are merely illustrative and not for valuable consideration. The names of the brands mentioned are the property of their respective owners. It is forbidden to copy, reproduce, publish, transmit or exploit in any way the content of this site without prior authorization.
Based on articles 15 and 16 of the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals, we inform you that RML Logística Integra, S.A. de C.V. (dba Amikoo), with a registered address at Constituyentes No. 940, Col. La Merced, C.P. 50080 in Toluca, Mexico State, is responsible for collecting your personal data, processing it and protecting it.
Your personal information will be used for the following purposes: to provide the services you have requested; to notify you about new services that are related to those already contracted; to enable the use of your name or business name in port terminals, as well as with service providers related to its operation; to communicate to you any changes therein; to send newsletters on foreign trade; to conduct regular surveys about our services to improve their quality; to evaluate the quality of the service we provide, and in general, to comply with the obligations we have entered into with you.
For the aforementioned purposes, we require to obtain the following personal data:
Legal Entity
1. Powers granted
2. Copy of the Articles of Incorporation
3. Copy of the Treasury Registration (R1/R2)
4. Copy of the taxpayer ID. (RFC)
5. Copy of RECENT proof of address
6. Photo ID (legal representative)
7. Copy of the Power of Attorney of the Legal Representative
8. Original multi-patent Letter of Appointment of Customs Broker
9. Acknowledgment of registration in VUCEM
10. Digital seal for COVE signature and Digitization.
11. Fiscal compliance report issued by the SAT
1. Powers granted
2. Copy of the Treasury Registration (R1/R2)
3. Copy of the taxpayer ID. (RFC)
4. Copy of RECENT proof of address
5. Photo ID (legal representative)
6. Original multi-patent Letter of Appointment of Customs Broker
7. Acknowledgment of registration in VUCEM
8. FILE for COVE signature and Digitization
On the other hand, we inform you that your data may be transferred to entities within the same sector of the company, either national or foreign, with the general objective of fulfilling the purposes for which you have provided your data. Specific purposes: ENABLING NAME OR BUSINESS NAME FOR BILLING PURPOSES BY THIRD PARTIES.
NOTE: Only items 3 and 4 (Legal Entity), 2 and 3 (Individual) will be provided to port service providers to enable a business name for billing purposes.
It is important to inform you that you have the right to access, amend and erase your personal data, oppose its processing or revoke your consent for this purpose.
In the event that we do not obtain your express opposition to your personal data being transferred in the form and terms described above, we will understand that you have given your tacit consent to do so.
If you do not want to receive promotional messages from us, you can send your request through the email address:
If you consider that your right to protection of personal data has been injured by any behaviour of our employees, or our actions or responses, or if you presume that during the processing of your personal data, there was a violation of the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals, you can file the corresponding complaint or dispute with the IFAI. For more information visit
A cookie consists of a file that is sent to request permission to be stored on your computer. By accepting this file, the cookie is created and then it serves to keep information regarding web traffic, and it also facilitates future visits to a recurring website. Another function that cookies have is that they allow websites to recognize you individually and therefore, they provide you with the best-personalized service of their website.
Our website uses cookies to identify the pages that are visited and the frequency of such visits. This information is used for statistical analysis only and then the information is permanently deleted. You can delete cookies at any time from your computer. However, cookies help websites to provide a better service, you are not giving access to information from your computer or you, unless you want it and provide it directly news. You can accept or deny the use of cookies, however, most browsers automatically accept cookies as they help to have a better web service. You can also change your computer settings to decline cookies. If they are declined, you may not be able to use some of our services.
Links to Third Parties
This website may contain links to other sites that may be of interest to you. Once you click on these links and leave our website, we no longer have control over the site where you are redirected and therefore, we are not responsible for the protection of your data on those other third-party sites. These sites are subject to their privacy policies, so it is recommended that you consult them to confirm that you agree with them.
Control of your personal information
At any time, you may restrict the collection or use of personal information that is provided to our website.
This company will not sell, assign or distribute the personal information that is collected without your consent unless required by a judge with a court order.
The company reserves its right to change the terms of this Privacy Policy at any time.
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